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Time to Get Smart(er)!

There’s a world of truth to the old saying that says, ‘If you’re not going forward, you’re probably going backwards.’   That applies to so many areas of life, especially  continuing education. 

While you certainly don’t need anyone to remind you that our industry is experiencing a steady series of paradigm shifts, we could all use some occasional help on how best to proactively deal with those changes.

With education topping the list of IHFRA’s many objectives, it’s only fitting that we’ve been seeking out a high-impact, reasonably priced education platform designed to let you learn at your own speed and pace while paving the road to put you in the passing lane of the fast track when it comes to growing your sales.

After months of research, IHFRA is proud to announce a partnership with veteran salesman, trainer, author and educator Victor Antonio Gonzalez, one of America’s premier business consultants and someone perhaps best known for being host of Spike TV‘s reality series, Life or Debt.

Victor is also the founder and creator of the Sellinger Group and the Sales Velocity Academy.

So, what does all of this mean to you?  In a word, success!  Victor has created a library of close to 400 topic-specific sales and marketing training videos that are also segmented into thee levels of learning: Foundational, Advanced and Mastery.

Normally, the annual cost to access the library is $299, a bargain by anyone’s standards. However, IHFRA has negotiated a special rate for our members of only $99.00 a year!

For pennies a day, you can tap into a video library of hundreds of topic-specific sessions that will make you more valuable to your customers and your suppliers while teaching you how to sell smarter and with greater success.

Best of all, you don’t need to take time from being on the road to sit in a classroom. You can watch the videos at your pace and speed while selecting the topics you feel you need improvement on.

To learn more about the Sellinger Group, click here:

For an in-depth look at Victor’s training videos, please take a few moments to go here. 

We would like to give Victor an idea of how many IHFRA members plan to take advantage of this great deal, so please click here to respond.




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